Beyond Behavior Management: Addressing the Whole Person at Autism Centers

Behavior Management


Holistic Approaches in Autism Therapy Centers: Beyond Behavioral Control for Comprehensive Support

The expansion of enhanced knowledge about Autism and Behavior Management and its related issues has led to the development of new methods and techniques to tackle them.

One of the important components identified is behavioral control where new knowledge has come to the surface. Some therapy centers have adopted unique approaches to care for children on a holistic level rather than just making behavior the center of focus.

This blog article explores how autism centers offer services not just limited to behavior control to enable holistic assistance for individuals with autism taking into account their distinct needs and abilities.

Personalized Individual centric Approach:

Let’s first take a look at a “Person-centered approach” which is proven to be a successful autism therapy. For this particular approach, autism centers acknowledge how unique each child with ASD is with various abilities and difficulties. passions and aspirations. Hence this enables them to probe at the fundamental issues and tackle those that cause problematic behavior rather than focus on the management itself.

Additionally, when autism centers approach it on an individual level, they address the unique needs relevant to one’s unique behavior. Take, for example, the therapeutic approaches and therapy that extend outside the scope of behavior management such as speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, social skills training, and sensory integration therapy.

Autism centers acknowledge the need for this approach and resolve it by providing comprehensive therapy to address the unique needs of each individual.

Family Members Facilitation:

Autism facilities also emphasize providing the child’s parents with complete support and guidance. These centers acknowledge the crucial role that families have in the lives of children and they make efforts to establish cooperative relationships with families.

This may include providing them with instructions and required knowledge to treat their loved one who is identified as ASD with great care and support. This approach not only benefits the individuals receiving therapy but also provides valuable guidance to their families, helping them navigate this challenging period with greater ease and less distress.

Multidisciplinary team:

Autism clinics also acknowledge the significance of multidisciplinary teamwork in treating the whole individual. This may include a collaborative approach including experts from several fields, including behavior analyzers, psychologists, speech and language therapists, occupational therapists, and even other specialists.

This in turn proceeds as a complete and integrated strategy that addresses the different needs of persons with autism.

Carers often have feelings of shame and guilt over the outcome of a scenario. However, it is crucial for us to introspect and evaluate our approach, and candidly acknowledge what is not effective or causes discomfort.

To do that, we must:

  • Assess our impact on a difficult circumstance
  • Challenge our answers and scrutinize our contributions. Inquire and analyze to get a more profound understanding of why a situation has escalated to a critical juncture.
  • Identify and eliminate detrimental behaviors such as physical restraint. Shift the emphasis from the person to acknowledge that the whole system around the individual affects their well-being. Cultivate improved connections between staff and service users, as well as between parents and children.
  • Examine the stress levels of workers and parents by conducting a debriefing session after a crisis event.

What are the causes of challenging and distressed behavior?

There are several factors to consider when it comes to challenging conduct: this could be due to elevated levels of stress, bodily pain, or even the absence of physical or mental well-being.

By identifying the underlying factors rather than isolating the behavior itself, it is possible to mitigate the instances of behavioral circumstances while simultaneously elevating the individual’s quality of life.

Potential Causes of Disturbed Behavior

Behavior Management

Physical health issues may arise due to a lack of regular exercise, constipation, dental difficulties, and undiscovered illnesses like diabetes. Pain is a subjective affective reaction, and its physical manifestation must be understood. Interoceptive awareness is relevant in this context.


Following are the possible reasons why a child with autism may demonstrate behavior problems:

  • Absence of Organization and Anticipation

When a consistent routine is established it provides a sense of tranquility. It is important to understand that an individual needs a routine to maintain a sense of balance and focus.

  • Anxiety

Acquire the ability to identify the first indications of anxiety and provide assistance via soothing techniques before the situation intensifies.

  • Sensory overload

It occurs when the sensory systems are overwhelmed, resulting in a feeling of being overwhelmed. Acquire knowledge about the sensory characteristics of the person and determine the specific assistance they need for self-regulation.

Consider using a sensory diet. Ensure the presence of stress-relieving equipment, such as a stress ball or a fidget toy. Addressing interoceptive awareness involves teaching individuals how to interpret their bodily signals accurately.

  • Frustration

Frustration might arise from communication difficulties, monotony, or a sense of limited independence.

The primary source of discomfort comes from the demands made by caregivers. A study conducted by Studio III UK revealed that 65% of instances of disturbed behavior were preceded by a demand or request made by a caregiver.

How can we help?

Before assisting, it is necessary to ascertain the purpose or role of the behavior. Is it a combination of communication and interaction?

Is feeling related to fulfilling a sensory or emotional requirement?

What is the concrete advantage? The individual is endeavoring to get a desired object or experience, such as nourishment, beverage, or leisure time with a preferred item, for instance.

What is demand avoidance? This could perhaps indicate a lack of comprehension of the request and a reluctance to collaborate, resulting in avoidance of social interaction.

Social anxiety refers to the fear or discomfort experienced in social circumstances, often leading to avoidance of such situations. This fear or discomfort might be seen as a danger.

Evaluate behavior via the use of ABC (Antecedent, Behavior, Consequence).

ABC has a long-standing history. When collecting this data, it is beneficial to record it in writing.


Refers to the events or circumstances that occur before a certain conduct takes place. Consider the context, the individual’s psychological condition, and circumstances such as the presence of others, new individuals, or a change in routine. Take notes and refrain from making any presumptions.


Refers to the observable activities that one seeks to understand the reasons behind. Document data on the frequency, severity, and length of the behavior, the number of occurrences, and any pertinent details such as self-injury or object flinging.


Observe the recurring outcomes. Is the individual offered a hug, an unexpected and gratifying experience such as your words, tone of voice, cessation of an activity, or the opportunity to escape?

Antecedents and consequences may influence the probability of an action occurring. Whereas behaviors are often acquired via learning, and individuals may need guidance to discover more effective means of achieving their desired outcomes.

How do we de-escalate a challenging behavior situation?

In the event of a crisis, it is advisable to minimize the number of demands and requests being made. Demonstrate composure by displaying calm body language first. Refrain from crossing your arms, tightly gripping your fists, or grinding your teeth. Inhale and exhale at a moderate and steady pace. Mastering the art of maintaining a composed behavior externally while experiencing fear and tension within requires consistent practice.

  • Distance: Maintain a minimum distance of 3 feet to respect personal space. Approaching someone may be seen as an act of aggression.
  • Eye Contact: Sustained eye contact is universally recognized as a sign of hostility in the animal kingdom. Refrain from gazing intently while someone is disturbed, but make an effort to keep periodic eye contact.
  • Physical Contact: Avoid physical contact while a person is exhibiting behavior problems. When someone is becoming less agitated, it may be suitable to make physical contact with them. However, it is important to acknowledge that they may not perceive this action in the manner you meant.


Create a silent atmosphere by eliminating sources of noise such as television, radio, and music.

Pay attention to the individual – Occasionally, their concerns may be trivial. While it may not have significant importance to us, it might be of great significance to the individual involved. Verify the accuracy and truthfulness of their statements. Be mindful of your nonverbal cues and ensure you keep a comfortable physical distance.

The Low Arousal Environment

  • Communication: Employ a deliberate pace, a kind tone, and employ concise language. Avoid participating in arguments.
  • Divert their attention: Attempt to shift the topic of conversation to something that interests them. This strategy is effective when done with my 21-year-old daughter.
  • Isolate individuals: Isolate the individuals around the person experiencing distress, rather than removing the distressed individual.

None of these tactics involves capitulating or allowing someone to get their desired outcome. These are tactics that can effectively de-escalate a crisis.

Create a low arousal environment to lessen the chances of challenging behavior. Think about:

  • having safe quiet, spaces.
  • the person has their room, if possible.
  • reduce overlapping sounds (TV, music, people talking).
  • reduce stimulation.
  • keep routines for predictability which lessens anxiety.

Engaging in reflective practice to analyze our involvement in addressing disruptive behavior may be tough due to the strong emotions we have over our impact on a critical situation.

Modifying our reactions takes a significant amount of time, yet it is important that we continuously endeavor to improve. The persons we help rely on it for their health and well-being.


Empowering Individuals with Autism: Collaborate with Autism Centers for Tailored Care

Ultimately, autism therapy centers extend their focus beyond mere behavior control to include the whole of an individual by acknowledging the unique requirements and capabilities of those with autism.

Autism centers aim to enable persons with autism to achieve their maximum capabilities by using a person-centered approach, applying therapies that focus on strengths, offering comprehensive assistance for a range of needs, including families, and fostering cooperation across different disciplines.

If you are looking for assistance for a family member with autism, consider collaborating with an autism center that adopts a holistic approach to providing complete and personalized therapy.

For more information, see our comprehensive services here and book an appointment!


  1. Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) – Autism Speaks
  2. Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) for Children With Autism – CHOP
  3. 14 ABA Resources You Need to Know About – Therapy Brands
  4. Comprehensive ABA-based interventions in the therapy – NCBI
  5. The Controversy Around ABA – Child Mind Institute
  6. A popular list of Autism & ABA curricula and assessment-motivity
  7. ABA: An Evidence-Based therapy for Autism – NECC
  8. Contact Us – Schedule Consultation


Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
    • Overview of Holistic Approaches in Autism Therapy
  2. Understanding Autism and Behavior Management
    • Importance of Behavioral Control
    • Evolution of Treatment Approaches
  3. Personalized Individual-Centric Approach
    • The Person-Centered Approach
    • Comprehensive Therapy Options
      • Speech and Language Therapy
      • Occupational Therapy
      • Social Skills Training
      • Sensory Integration Therapy
  4. Family Members Facilitation
    • Supporting Families in Autism Therapy
    • Building Cooperative Relationships with Families
  5. Multidisciplinary Team Approach
    • Importance of Collaborative Efforts
    • Roles of Various Specialists in Autism Care
  6. Identifying and Understanding Challenging Behaviors
    • Factors Contributing to Distressed Behavior
    • Potential Causes of Disturbed Behavior
      • Physical Health Issues
      • Anxiety and Frustration
      • Sensory Overload
  7. Assessing Behavior through ABC Analysis
    • Understanding Antecedents, Behaviors, and Consequences
  8. De-escalation Strategies for Challenging Situations
    • Techniques to Minimize Demands
    • Creating a Low Arousal Environment
    • Effective Communication Strategies
  9. Reflective Practice in Autism Care
    • Importance of Self-Assessment and Improvement
    • Addressing Emotional Responses in Caregiving
  10. Conclusion
    • Empowering Individuals with Autism
    • The Benefits of Holistic Approaches in Autism Therapy
  11. References
    • Comprehensive List of Resources and Studies
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